kira fritsch jewelry

  • kira fritsch jewelry

    love luck earrings

  • memento mori ring

    kira fritsch jewelry
  • kira fritsch jewelry

    heart pendant

  • memento mori rings

    kira fritsch jewelry
  • kira fritsch jewelry

    love luck earrings

  • skull pendants

    kira fritsch jewelry

about kira fritsch

kira fritsch portrait

In my jewelry work I deal with the basic drive of human beings to decorate themselves. 
The traditional function jewelry has as an indicator of the borderline within the tension between I as myself, we as all of us and the world is in this connection central.
 Jewelry can point to the wearer’s affiliation to a certain group, a cult, to religion or some other values of motivation. 
But jewelry can on the other hand distinguish the wearer from all these ingredients. Jewelry can become a talisman and also ward off fears and threats. 

My pieces of work want to pass beyond these functions. They try by game similarities to query habits of how we look at things thus doubting tradition and crossing borders: Material, form and ornamentation of that jewelry remind of old traditional associations, but they at the same time represent a visible counterpoint in that the materials receive a discreet aesthetic appreciation. In this way I try to liberate my jewelry work from this functional approach.